Flowires and Optiflow used to calculate permeability at realistic geometry RTM tool
The Flowires in conjunction with Optiflow were used successfully to calculate permeability at realistic geometry RTM tool as presented recently at the ECCM17 - 17th European Conference on Composite Materials Munich, Germany, 26-30th June 2016. The title of the paper was 'ASSESSING THE RELIABILITY OF FILLING SIMULATIONS FOR RTM: CRITICAL COMPARISON OF THEORETICAL AND REALISTIC PERMEABILITY OF TYPICAL CURVATURES ENCOUNTERED IN RTM PREFORMS, by S. Konstantopoulos and R. Schledjewski from the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Highly Efficient Composites Processing, Montanuniversität Leoben, Otto Glöckel-Straße 2/I, 8700 Leoben, Austria, http://www.kunststofftechnik.at/composites/