News & Events
Number of articles: 79
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Synthesites to exhibit in JEC Europe

Visit us at booth P75 in Level 7.3

JEC Europe 2014

Synthesites to exhibit in the world's largest Composites Exhibition in Paris between March 11 and 13, 2014.


Synthesites participates in ECOMISE R&D project for the development of innovative tools for the optimal manufacturing of advanced composites.

Kick-off of Coaline project

Coaline project: Advanced coated injection-pultrusion manufacturing

Monitoring high-speed RTM

The new ultra-fast Optimold can provide a resin arrival signal in less than 100ms, measuring the fast-rising ultra-high electrical resistance of high-Tg resins.

Monitoring the resin infusion of a large part in an oven

Four flexible temperature/ resin arrival sensors and one flexible cure sensor were placed at critical locations...

Composites Meetings 2013

Synthesites participated successfully in the Composites Meetings 2013